Herpes Erase Program: Overcoming Itching and Pain Due to Herpes
You've had chicken pox? No need to worry if later discovered abnormalities in the skin. Appearance in the form of an aqueous nodule red bouncy groups such as blisters. Generally, the lesions on one side of the body, is limited to the skin which has the same innervation.
If bintilnya severe pain and itching at the beginning of its appearance, it means that you are infected with varicella zoster virus. The disease known as shingles, chickenpox snake, shingles, or dampa. That said, when the widespread skin disorder and encircle the body, the patient could die.
According to Erase Herpes PDF that affect anyone Herpes zoster . However, this viral infection usually found in adults aged 20 to 50 years.
Herpes zoster attack people who had chicken pox. Based on data also from the book The Ultimate Herpes Protocol have, carrying 98 percent of people infected with chickenpox ever, one of the three of them at risk of shingles during his lifetime. In fact, when they were aged 85 years, one of two people at risk of developing shingles. In addition, patients with impaired cellular immunity, such as old age, diabetes, chronic disease, and trauma or surgery have a similar risk. Similarly, the immune person down.
Including, cancer, especially leukemia and lymphoma, people with HIV, those undergoing bone marrow or organ transplantation, and patients who take medication immunosupresant (steroids, chemotherapy, or other immune-suppressing drugs).
Varicella zoster virus attacks originated from the prodromal phase for one to five days (source: Erase Herpes Review). In this phase occurs acute photophobia, pain, headache, and malaise (lethargy). After that, patients with herpes zoster into the acute phase, namely the appearance of lesions within seven to 10 days. Next, a rash for two to four weeks. Shingles rash is very typical, namely dermatomal (unilateral), feels there is an increased sensitivity to touch and pain.
In elderly patients, prodromal pain is more severe and longer. More severe acute pain, skin rash can be atypical, which is heavier and wider. Long course of their illness, often repetitive, and complications occur (50 percent). Complications such as neurological complaints, such as vertigo, brain nerve paresis, deafness, encephalitis, meningitis, and the motor neuropathy. In addition, mentioned in Erase Herpes book dermatological complications that marked the emergence of disseminated and secondary infection. Complications that strikes the eye makes people develop keratitis, blind, ptosis, and scleritis. Visceral complications, such as pneumonia, hepatitis, myocarditis, pericarditis, myositis, and others.
Complications of herpes zoster, which is post-herpetic neuralgia (NPH). Sufferers feel pain that persists for three months or more after the eruption of herpes zoster disappeared. The condition lasts for months or chronic. NPH risk increased 27-fold over the age of 50 years, whereas in people over the age of 60 years the risk increased by 40 percent. Although antiviral therapy, NPH occurs in 10 to 20 percent of patients with herpes zoster.
According to Melanie Addington in the Ultimate Herpes Protocol PDF Download - With conditions like that, no wonder if herpes zoster most common cause of chronic intractable pain in the elderly. Complications reduced quality of life, interfering with daily activities, and often do not respond to treatment. Despite optimal treatment, 40 percent of patients felt pain.
Treatment of herpes zoster done in two ways, namely supportive and topical. Sufferers of rest, eat, wear loose clothing, toiletries, and do not scratch the lesions. Antivirus and anti-pain given as needed. "To reduce discomfort, give wet compresses or ice packs," said Hanny suggest.
Smallpox vaccination Snake
Varicella or chickenpox exposure to high society in Indonesia resulted in the risk of herpes zoster infection was also high (read the reviews more: erase herpes). To prevent this, we are keeping the immune system in order to stay well. Running a healthy lifestyle and clean, balanced nutritious diet, exercise, and adequate sleep help maintain the immune system.
To prevent herpes zoster and NPH, there is now a vaccine. This vaccine boost immunity, especially cellular immunity. Any person aged 50 years or over who are concerned about the dangers of shingles utilize the vaccine. However, this vaccine is not used by people who experience severe immune deficiency.
source: Erase Herpes Book by Dr. christine Buehler